Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My journey

I'v spent special days in Calgaly. My host family is kind so I can stay at home in peace.

But I had a lot of troubles during my journey to Canada. First, I couldn't get through the customs and a customs officer take me to another room. It took long time to get through the customs. We; the menbers of Fukuoka University, couldn't miss our flight because of that. We had to wait 12 hours for next flight at the Vancouver airport.
But the flight was canceled. Since the pilot didn't come! It was umbelievable! In addition, I lost my baggage! I was hopeless of my trip. That night, we stayed hotel.

We arrived at Calgary in a day later. I got my baggage at the Calgary airport.

Now, every thing is O.K.
Every day, I have a lot of fun.


Eugene said...

Hello Yukina~^^
You'll go back to Japan next Saturday, is it right?
I hope that you have a awesome day in Calgary. Also, time is very quick.. We and I won't never forget you and all Japanese friends.. Ah my real name is JungRock, Lee. Don't forget my name~ and our name..^^
See ya~ take care until you go back to Japan ^^

Yukina said...

I'll go back to Japan March 29th. We hove to go to the Calgary airport till 5:40! It is so early... We have only 7 days we can see everyone in Calgary.
I never forget your name and classmates' names!
Thank you so much!!

Kristi said...

It's so far to come and if something goes wrong, it makes for an even longer journey. I hope you have smooth travels on the way back!!!